UMC means Unfair Means Case. Subject to the generality the word “unfair means” shall include the following if a candidate during an exam is found:

  •  Caught in possession of unauthorized material. Removing a leaf from his/her Answer Book.
  • Using abusive or obscene language in his/her answer book.
  • Making an appeal to the examiner in his/her answer books.
  • Making false representation in his/her admission form or any document produced by him/her. 
  • Forging another person's signature on his/her Admission Form or any other documents.
  • Refusing to obey any legal instructions issued to him/her by the Board in connection with an exam.
  • Disclosing his/her identity or making peculiar marks on his/her Answer Book for getting undue favour in marking. Giving or receiving assistance in cheating or allowing any other candidate to copy from his/her Answer Book.
  • Creating disturbance of any kind during the exam or otherwise misbehaving in or around the exam hall/center.
  • Copying from any paper, book or other source.
  • Making an organized deliberate prior arrangement to cheat in the exam such as smuggling in or taking out of hall a Question Paper or an Answer Book, impersonation or misconduct of a serious nature.
  • Taking the whole or a part of an Answer Book or a Continuation Sheet into or out of an examination centre. Substitute the whole or a part of the Answer Book or Continuation Sheet not issued to him for the exam.