Ordinances relating to Prevention, Punishment and Procedure concerning Cases of Misconduct and Use of Unfair Means in or in relation to Examinations" and be abbreviated as "Regulations relating to Unfair Means Cases. Disciplinary Committee consisting of four persons, one of whom shall be Registrar of the University or his nominee not below the rank of a Deputy Registrar to deal with the cases of alleged use of unfair means and/or misconduct in relation to an examination.

The Registrar, or an officer authorized by him in this behalf, shall call upon the candidate alleged to have employed unfair means in the examination or obtaining admission to an examination on a false representation, to appear before the Standing Committee to represent his case personally on the date fixed for his appearance before the said Committee. If inspiteĀ of service of notice, the candidate fails to do so, he / she will be proceeded against ex-parte. Where a candidate wishes to produce any evidence and/ or witness before the Committee, he / she may be allowed to do so by the Committee at his / her own expense. The Committee may also, on its own motion and for arriving at a just conclusion based on the principles of natural justice, direct the members of the supervisory staff of any other person to appear before it. When the Committee, after having heard the candidate when present and after having heard such evidence as he / she may produce and after going through the record is unanimous in its decision, that decision shall be final.