The following shall constitute acts of UMC (unfair-means certificate) during an examination: 

  • Using hand signals during an examination. 
  • Procuring or divulging information to a student pertaining to the examination question paper.
  • Concealing notes on clothing, hands, caps, shoes or in pockets.
  • Supplying to a student during his/her examination, answer to a question that may or may not be contained in the question paper.
  • Copying from any paper, book or note, or any electronic device, or allowing any other student to copy the answer, or using or attempting to use these or any other unfair means.
  • Processing papers, books, notes, any electronic device, or any material which may possibly be of assistance in the examination, and which have been explicitly prohibited in the examination.
  • Giving or receiving unlawful assistance during an examination.
  • Impersonating or falsely representing a student in the examination.
  • Replacing an answer book or any portion thereof.
  • Mutilating an answer book by way of tearing off pages.
  • Impeding the progress of an examination by any means whatsoever.
  • Assaulting or threatening to assault any person in charge of an examination.
  • Possessing fire-arms or anything capable of being used as a weapon of offence during an examination.
  • Falsifying an examination result by any means including the substitution of answer books, mutilation, or alteration of the examination records, etc.
  • Approaching or influencing an employee of the university to act corruptly or dishonestly in the conduct of an examination, declaration of examination result, or marking of paper or obtaining secret information relating to an examination.
  • Intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas or another as one’s own in any academic exercise, and failure to attribute direct quotation, paraphrase, or borrowed facts, information, or prose.
  • Mutilating, altering, interpolating or erasing a certificate or other document or any record maintained by the university, or in any manner using or causing to be used, a certificate, document or record, knowing that it is mutilated, interpolated or erased.

Note: Any such offence, which is deemed to constitute the use of UMC (Unfair-means certificate).