Transfer Student Admission Procedures and Requirements:

Those who have taken courses at other accredited colleges and universities can apply for admission as transfer students. Such students can apply for admission for any semester. All courses with “ C+ Grade or better” that are comparable to those offered at HU, will be considered for transfer. Any grades earned on the courses that are transferred are not included in the computation of the cumulative grade point average.

Graduation Requirement:

All transfer students for Master's programs must earn at least 50% and all Bachelor programs must earn at least 50% of their degree credit-hour requirements at HU.

Exemption Process:

Exemption in course(s) is not a matter of right, and merely matching title of any course does not qualify for exemption. In order to maintain quality of education, HU has following exemption policy:

Exemption may be granted as per Academic Council guidelines for similar studies. It applies to those participant who have completed degree program from HEC recognized University.

Conditions for granting the exemption are as follows:

  • Exemption in courses may be granted to a participant in recognition of similar studies completed successfully by achieving at least “60%” marks or C+ Grade, from an institution recognized by HEC, within a period of two years from the date of admission;
  • Participant is required to make a formal request on the prescribed Exemption Form to the concerned Dean for the grant of exemption at the time of admission or within the first semester;
  • Submit evidence to prove that course(s) completed is/are compatible in contents and quality for which exemption is being sought;
  • Chairperson of the concerned department shall certify that 80% of the contents of course(s) for which exemption is sought are similar to course offered by HU before recommending exemption to the Dean.
  • The Cr. Hrs. of an exempted course(s) shall not be counted towards the participant’s degree requirements. Participant shall take additional course(s) in lieu of Exempted course(s) in order to complete degree requirement. However, exempted course(s) shall be mentioned on the Final Transcript with the word “Exempted” shown in place of the grade.

Note: The Exemption Forms after due process shall be sent to Office of the Registrar by the concerned Office of the Dean for record.