
What is the grading policy?
In every semester, one midterm and one final exam is conducted in Hajvery. Students are  evaluated in each course on the basis of tests, classroom assignm...
Sat, 11 Feb, 2017 4:18 PM
Which material are not allowed during the Exam?
The following shall constitute acts of UMC (unfair-means certificate) during an examination:  Using hand signals during an examination.  Proc...
Sat, 11 Feb, 2017 4:38 PM
What is Extra Enrollment?
If you get an F Grade in a subject you need to apply for it again to pass that particular subject is called extra enrollment. If a student want to improve...
Mon, 13 Feb, 2017 4:42 PM
How to apply for extra enrollment? How can i repeat my F grade? What is the fee of F grade?
Students which have F grade in any subject can apply for extra enrollment and can repeat the subject either the same subject or change. If a student have ...
Mon, 13 Feb, 2017 4:42 PM